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Dog Kennels

Kennels – If you’re considering putting your dog in a dog boarding kennel, there are certain factors to consider. Being away from home can be challenging for dogs, so proper preparation is essential. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the basics of dog boarding and discuss some of the benefits of professional pet boarding.

Finding the Right Kennels

When selecting a kennel, it’s important to do your research and ask questions. Most importantly, make sure that the facility has staff members who are trained in animal behaviour and certified to provide pet care. You should also inquire about the size of their runs or cages, as well as exercise policies and safety protocols. Additionally, it’s important to ask what kind of food and treats are given during their stay. To make sure your pup enjoys their time at the kennel, research any unique amenities that may be available, such as walks around the facility or playtime with other dogs.

Preparing Your Dog Before Their Stay at the Kennels

Before dropping off your pup at the kennel, there are some steps you should take to ensure they have a stress-free stay. First and foremost, make sure they’re up-to-date on all vaccinations and flea/tick treatments—most kennels require proof before accepting new borders. It can also be helpful to bring along items from home like toys or blankets that smell like you—this will help ease separation anxiety while they’re away from home. Lastly, if your dog takes regular medication or supplements, make sure their caretaker knows this information ahead of time so they can be administered properly during their stay.

Benefits of a Professional Kennels

A Safe and Secure Environment

Dog boarding at a professional kennel provides your pup with a highly secure, safe environment. Each kennel is fenced-in, which prevents any wandering or escape attempts by your pet. Additionally, the enclosures at a professional kennel quickly alert staff of any barking or aggressive behaviour that could harm others, giving owners peace of mind that their dog is being well looked after.


Dog sitters at these establishments also focus on their training programs for socialisation with other animals. Teaching them manners and ensuring their stay away from home is as low-stress as possible. So if you’re looking for an excellent place to board your pup while you go away on vacation or another assignment, look no further than a professional catering service!

Plenty of Exercises Pens

puppy pen kennels


Boarding your canine companion at a professional kennel can provide much-needed exercise. Professional kennels are designed with ample space and an outside area where your dog can run, play, and get the physical exercise they need. The highly trained staff at these facilities is well-suited to ensure that your pet gets plenty of belly rubs and friendly interaction during their stay.


Not only will this keep them healthy, but it may also improve their mood. In addition, the kennel staff will make sure that your pup’s food is properly portioned as part of an overall nutrition plan if provided and followed through on. All of these factors are important components for overall health, making professional kenneling a smart option for ensuring that your four-legged friend receives the best possible care when you have to be away from home for extended periods of time.

Proper Nutrition

When choosing a kennel for a pet, proper nutrition is a crucial factor to consider. Professional boarding facilities are dedicated to ensuring that each guest gets the essential nutrients they need with meals and treats tailored to fit their age and breed if necessary. These kennels have staff specially trained in providing nutritional guidance so that owners can feel confident that their dog is being cared for in the same efficient, nutritious way they would get at home.


Furthermore. With many kennels offering some kind of special rewards program that gives doggy treats or surprises. Each new milestone of time is reached at the kennel. Dogs can be pampered and taken care of while still getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Individual Attention at the Kennels

With reliable and knowledgeable staff, taking your dog to a professional kennel creates a comfortable environment for your pooch. Not only do boarding kennels offer plenty of exercise and socialisation opportunities. If you’re lucky enough to find one with small staff-to-dog ratios. Your pup will also be able to receive individual attention from the attentive staff – something all our four-legged friends need!


The individual attention these pet professionals give. Can help ensure that your furry one gets the extra love they need while away from home. In addition, having people specifically looking after each canine means more spot-on assessments. How each pup is feeling and detailed information that you can get on their health and behaviour. This heightened attentiveness leads to better personalised care. As well as more accurate feedings and playtimes tailored specifically to what best meets their needs.

Training Opportunities

If you are interested in having your dog trained while they are boarding, many kennels offer training opportunities. This can be a great way to teach your dog obedience commands or tricks while you are away. It can also help them to become more socialised and less anxious around other people and animals.

Peace of Mind

When you board your dog at a professional kennel. You can have peace of mind knowing that they are being well-cared for in your absence. You can trust that the staff will provide them with everything they need. This includes exercise, socialisation, proper nutrition, individual attention, and training opportunities if desired.


Shop At Petnap For Your Furry Friend Today

As long as you find the right kennel and prepare adequately beforehand. Dog boarding is an excellent option when you need someone to watch over your pup for a short time. With careful consideration and attention to detail on both ends (yours and theirs). Even first-timers can have successful experiences with dog boarding services! Before you choose a professional kennel, shop at Petnap for all the things your pup might need.