Whelping Boxes by Petnap

Whelping boxes by Petnap – A whelping box serves as a designated space for a pregnant dog to give birth and care for her puppies during their early weeks of life. The primary purpose of a whelping box is to create a secure and controlled environment that promotes the health and safety of the mother […]

Why a Whelping Box is a Must-Have for Breeding Success

Why a Whelping Box significantly increase the chances of breeding success when it comes to your dogs? The answer might be simpler than you think. Whelping boxes are not just an accessory; they are an essential part of breeding healthy puppies. So, without further ado, let’s discover why whelping boxes are a must-have for breeding […]

Petnap Whelping Box

Pet nap Whelping Box Information A Pet nap whelping box, also known as a birthing box, whelping pen and nesting box. The box is used in order to protect the puppies after the whelping process is completed and during the early stages of life when they are most vulnerable. The petnap whelping box keeps them safely contained […]