Cat Beds and Facts
Cat Beds and Facts There we will talk about Cat Beds and Facts. Small carnivorous mammals that are domesticated include cats (Felis catus). It is the only domesticated species in the Felidaefamily, and to distinguish it from the other wild cats in the family, it is sometimes referred to as the domestic cat. Cats can be […]
Heated Cat Beds for your Cat or Dog
Heated Cat Beds Heated Cat Beds in the winter chilly months can be essential especially as these months tend to be uncomfortable for cats and pets alike, especially those breeds with thin to little fur or those completely hairless breeds such as Sphynx. One way of keeping your cats warm and cosy, could be to […]
Petnap Whelping Box
Pet nap Whelping Box Information A Pet nap whelping box, also known as a birthing box, whelping pen and nesting box. The box is used in order to protect the puppies after the whelping process is completed and during the early stages of life when they are most vulnerable. The petnap whelping box keeps them safely contained […]
Cosy cat bed
Cosy cat bed Cosy cat bed. Cats love a comfy cat bed to curl up in. That’s why cosy cat beds are a must for every cat. Everyone knows that cats like to sleep, fact, they spend an average of 16 hours a day sleeping so if anyone needs a good cat bed, it’s our […]
Petnap Products
Petnap Products Petnap have recently invested in an external blogging platform to keep customers upto date. This will demonstrate and show the latest petnap products and developments in the world of whelping. The new blog will feature content and information relating to Petnap Products only. So whether your just starting out or have been breeding […]