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Training a Puppy: Basic Commands, Socialization, and Potty Training Tips

Training a Puppy is an exciting learning experience. However, it also comes with responsibilities, including proper training. Puppy training is vital in shaping your furry friend’s behavior and ensuring they become well-behaved adult dogs.

This blog will explore three essential aspects of puppy training: basic commands, socialization, and potty training tips.

By implementing these strategies and tips, you’ll raise a happy and obedient companion.

Training your dog to understand commands

Basic Commands for Training a Puppy

It’s important to teach your puppy some basic commands to help them understand you and behave well. Here are a few essential commands you can start with:

Training a Puppy to Sit

Teaching your puppy to sit is the most basic command. Begin by holding a treat near to their nose, then raise it slowly up in the air. When they smell the treat, their lower body will naturally get into a sitting posture. When they start obeying and sitting, treat them nicely.


The command “stay” teaches your puppy self-control. Initiate by commanding your puppy to sit down, and extend your hand, palm out, in front of them. Say “stay” firmly and move backward. If they remain in place, reward them. Slowly increase the duration and distance of the “stay” command.

Training a Puppy to Come

Teaching your puppy to come when told is essential for their safety. Begin by squatting down, opening your arms, and using an encouraging tone. Say their name or just say “come here.” As they approach you, treat them with their favourite food and praise.


Teaching your puppy to lie down on command is helpful in various situations. Start by commanding them to sit. Then, take a treat within your closed hand, positioning it near their nose, and gradually lower it towards the ground. While their attention remains fixed on the treat, their body should instinctively transition into a lying posture. When they are successfully down, offer them treats and praise as a reward.

Training a Puppy to Drop it

Teaching your puppy to drop or release an item from their mouth is essential for their safety. Start by offering them a toy or object that they enjoy. When they have it in their mouth, show them a treat and say, “Drop it.” As they release the object, reward them with the treat and praise. Gradually introduce the command with different objects.


The “heel” command teaches your puppy to walk peacefully and close to you without tugging on the leash or chain. Begin walking and say “heel” while using a treat to guide them into the desired position. treat them once they stay beside you without tugging. Your puppy will learn to walk politely on a leash with consistent practice.

Socialisation – Training a Puppy

Proper socialization is at the core of raising a well-adjusted puppy. Make sure you introduce your puppy to different people and environments to ensure they grow up to be friendly and comfortable in different situations. Here are a few socialisation tips:

Positive Experiences

Expose your puppy to positive experiences early on. Introduce them to new people, children, other dogs, and different environments, such as parks and busy streets. Use treats and praise to create positive associations with these encounters.

Training a Puppy – Puppy Classes

Register your furry friend in a reliable training class. These classes provide structured socialization opportunities and teach basic obedience commands in a controlled environment. Interacting with other puppies and learning from a professional trainer is beneficial for their development.


Arrange playdates with other well-mannered and vaccinated puppies. Supervised play allows your puppy to learn appropriate social skills, bite inhibition, and reading and responding to other dogs’ body language.

Exposure to Different Environments

In addition to introducing your puppy to various people and animals, exposing them to different environments is crucial. Take your puppy for car rides, walks in busy areas, and visits to pet-friendly stores. This exposure helps them become comfortable and confident in new and potentially overwhelming situations. Gradually increase the level of challenge, exposing them to different sounds, sights, and smells to build their resilience and adaptability.

Gentle Handling and Desensitisation

To ensure your puppy is comfortable with being handled, gently touch and stroke different parts of their body, including their paws, ears, and tail. This helps them become accustomed to human touch and reduces the likelihood of fear or aggression towards grooming activities or veterinary examinations. Pair each touch with treats and praise to create positive associations. Similarly, gradually expose your puppy to common noises such as vacuum cleaners, doorbells, or fireworks, using desensitization techniques to help them remain calm and relaxed in these situations.

Agility Training for dogs

Training a Puppy Potty Training Tips

One of the most crucial aspects of puppy training is potty training. Establishing good habits early on will prevent accidents and promote cleanliness. Here are some tips to help you with potty training your puppy:

Establish a Routine

Create a consistent schedule for feeding, outdoor breaks, and potty breaks. Puppies thrive on routine and predictability. Ensure to promptly take your puppy outside right after they wake up, finish their meals, and before they settle down for bedtime. This helps them associate specific times with bathroom breaks.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Use a simple phrase like “Potty Time” as a signal to teach your puppy that it’s time to do their business. Treats and enthusiastic praise will motivate your puppy to repeat the behavior in the future.

Consistency Is Key when Training a Puppy

Consistency is vital when it comes to potty training your puppy. Establish a designated area outside where you want your puppy to eliminate. Take them to this spot every time they need to go, using a specific command such as “go potty” to reinforce the behavior. Consistently taking them to the same spot helps them recognize the association between the location and the act of relieving themselves. Avoid confusing your puppy by changing the designated area or using different commands.

Supervision and Prevention

To prevent accidents and reinforce good potty habits, closely supervise your puppy, especially during the initial stages of potty training. Keep them in sight at all times and watch for signs they need to go, such as sniffing, circling, or whining. If you cannot directly supervise them, confine them to a small, safe space, such as a crate or a puppy-proofed room. This prevents them from wandering off and having accidents. By supervising and preventing accidents, you set your puppy up for success and accelerate the potty training process.

Conclusion on Training a Puppy

Puppy training is an investment of time and effort that pays off in the long run. By focusing on basic commands, socialization, and potty training, you can lay a solid foundation for your puppy’s development. Remember to be patient, consistent, and use positive reinforcement throughout training.

Your puppy will grow into a well-behaved, happy, and healthy companion with proper training and socialization. Enjoy the journey of raising your furry friend and creating a bond that will last a lifetime.