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Types of Whelping Box

Types of Whelping Box

Types of Whelping Box

Types of Whelping Box for Pet birthing. Pet Birthing isn’t easy and providing them with care and support is necessary for your pet to have healthy offspring’s. If your female dog is pregnant, you should prepare for the whelping process, including a whelping box and an essential item checklist for your whelping kit.

Finding the best whelping box can be hectic with so many options. That is why it’s best to do your homework and get one that your whelping pet will feel secure and comfortable in.

What are the different Whelping Boxes?

A whelping box is a safe and secure place or bedding for your female dog to give birth. Often made with wood, plastic, or cardboard, a whelping box should be a warm and comfortable space for your female dog and her newborn puppies. It’s preferable to buy one that is durable so that the puppies can grow enough not to hurt themselves. It should also be soft, warm, and easily disinfected and cleaned.

How to Choose the Best One from different Types of Whelping Box?

Choosing the best whelping box entirely depends on your preference for your pet. You can also observe her preferences, what she likes to stay close to, whether she finds cardboard boxes comfortable and fun, or she likes to stay in plastic or even in the garden. Remember, your pet’s comfort and safety come first.

Check the material, durability, essential items, and any items you would need, considering puppies to be playful when they grow a little.

7 Different types of Whelping Box for Your Puppies

If your pet is pregnant and is due soon, you’ll need a whelping box so that she feels comfortable and secure with the box to deliver her puppies inside it. Here is a list of some of the best versions available out there:

Petnap 48″ x 48″ Whelping Boxes

Look no more if you’re trying to find a suitable size for your whelping box. This Petnap Whelping Box comes in 5 different sizes; it prevents the cross-contamination of litter and has a water-resistant cardboard liner. This particular whelping box is made from a strong cardboard material that is moulded into a box shape.

The opening is 6 inches high, which will make it easier for your female dog to get in and out of the box, and will confide the pups inside the box. To ensure that you order the correct size, you can measure your dog’s height from the nose to the base of the tail, and add some inches for the rails and room for movement. As this box is supposed to be reused, it can be cleaned and disinfected easily.

Petnap Disposable Dog Whelping Box

This disposable whelping box from Petnap is among the best if you’re looking for a disposable, water-resistant base and strong cardboard. No more worries about the cross-contamination of litter or disinfecting the box. Remember, this is cardboard and is meant to be thrown away after one use. This box comes with a 21mm wooden dowel, and again, this one also comes in different sizes, so you can easily get the right size for your female dog. It also has a specific slot that bends down so your female dog can easily get in and out. However, you will be unable to wipe down the walls if they get soiled, and you might find it pricey.

PUP at Ese Whelping Box for Dog Puppy Breeding

PUP at ese Whelping Box can fit all sizes of dogs. It has an opening door with an adjustable height. Hence, it allows the mother to enter and go out as she pleases while the puppies are secure. This whelping box is made from PVC; it’s built to last years and is lightweight. It also has a puppy protector rail, which is crucial to ensure the safety of the puppies. Another thing about this whelping box is that it only requires one person to assemble and disassemble.

 Kitson 48″W x 48″L Whelping Bed

Kitson whelping Bed is another popular one out there. It is made from durable and high-quality vinyl, so it does not crack or rot in the garden. Hence, it is an excellent material to avoid damage from pup teeth. It is also easy to clean and wipe down. This whelping  bed is baseless, so you can easily change or add any base you want.

Petclassic Whelping Box

Petclassic Whelping Box has complete rails, one heavy-duty canvas floor liner, and one absorbent. Its wall height is 18 inches, and it is made of moulded plastic. The plastic this box is made from is light and tough, providing good rigidity and strength. With normal use, the box will be durable for multiple litters. You can clean the plastic with general-purpose disinfectants and detergents. The use of washable pads will greatly reduce the cleaning effort; the liner is machine washable and water-resistant, so that’s another advantage. One consideration to remember is that this box would not be suitable for heavy and large breeds.

All Canine Whelping Box

The All Canine Whelping Box is made from a high-quality PVC plastic that is disease resistant, versatile, and durable. The whelping box is easy-to-assemble and has low maintenance. This box looks great in the home with its durability and easy clean-up. It keeps the whelping dog and her puppies safe. It comes with a one-year warranty. You won’t need to stain or paint it other than the regular clean up, and that too efficiently. Wood boxes can grow bacteria, and when puppies are so fragile, they need extra care; opting for plastic boxes like this would be ideal.

Hatmis Whelping Box for Dogs

If you’re looking for a whelping box that is durable, safe and requires absolutely no tools to assemble, this Hatmis Whelping Box is made from high-quality plastic, and the rails can bear any force, which provides your whelping pet with the protection she needs for herself and her puppies. In addition, it has a two-layered pee pad for comfort, breathability, and water resistance for the best comfort. Make sure to get the accurate size; the pee pad is made of good material, and always keep your pet’s preferences in mind.

Final Word on Types of Whelping Box

Whelping is a difficult process for female dogs, and as a pet owner, you are to take care of all of its needs for the whelping process. Whelping boxes that are durable, easy to clean, and provide security and comfort for your female dog would be ideal. Give at least two weeks for your female dog to get comfortable with the whelping box. You can also visit our website for a wide range of whelping boxes and even whelping kits for a comfortable experience, both for the mother and her puppies.