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Thinking of becoming a Full-Time Dog Breeder | Dog Breeding?

What It Takes to Be a Full-Time Dog Breeder | Dog Breeding

Things you need to know before becoming a dog breeder

Most pet parents would agree that owning a fur baby is both a rewarding and challenging experience. After a long hectic day of work, coming back home to a 4-legged ball of fluff standing at your doorstep, wagging their tail in excitement to greet you, can indeed be quite wholesome. However, it goes without saying that this role is very demanding – taking care of a pet, looking after their every need, and ensuring they receive all the love they deserve is a time-consuming task that requires tons of patience.

But there are many who have taken up this passion as a full-time profession. These are people with extensive knowledge of taking care of dogs while they produce a new litter of puppies, formally termed dog breeding. It is a career path for those with a deep understanding and love for the canine species.

So, what does it take to be a full-time dog breeder? Let’s find out.

Who Is a Full-time breeder of Dogs?

A full-time dog breeder is someone who is dedicated to the art and science of breeding dogs. They are the ones responsible for planning and executing a successful mating between two purebred dogs, which results in a litter of puppies that are healthy and free of genetic defects.

What Does A Full-time Dog Breeder Do?

The main task of a full-time dog breeder is to ensure that the pups they produce are healthy, have a good temperament, and conform to the breed standards set by kennel clubs. For this, they need to have in-depth knowledge about canine genetics, animal husbandry, pedigrees, as well as the various health tests required for different breeds.

Full-time dog breeders are also responsible for the day-to-day care of their dogs. This includes feeding, grooming, exercising as well as providing socialization opportunities.

They also need to maintain detailed records of their dogs which include information on health, vaccinations, mating, birthing, and pedigrees. This is important not only for reference but also to help make informed decisions while planning future breeding.

Some full-time dog breeders also offer stud services wherein they allow their male dogs to be used by other breeders for breeding purposes. This is generally done under a contract that lays down the terms and conditions of the service.

Additionally, dog breeders must actively participate in dog shows and events to market their dogs and kennels. They also need to have a strong online presence these days to reach out to a broader audience.

What Are the Qualifications Needed to be Breeding full time?

There are no formal qualifications required to be a dog breeder. However, most breeders have prior experience in working with dogs in some capacity or another. This could either be in the form of volunteering at animal shelters or working as a veterinary assistant.

Breeders must also have extensive knowledge about canine genetics, animal husbandry, pedigrees and have experience in general whelping and the apparatus used . They should also be well-versed with the various health tests required for different breeds of dogs.

What Are the Skills Needed to be A Full-time Dog Breeder and Breeding equipment used?

Some of the essential skills needed to be a successful dog breeder are:

-A passion for dogs: This is probably the most essential skill that one needs to possess to be a breeder. Without a genuine love and affection for dogs, it would be tough to handle all the various challenges that this profession has.

-Patience: Breeding dogs is not an overnight task. It takes months of planning and execution before a litter of puppies is finally born. Even after that, breeders need to spend several weeks taking care of the mother and her pups. So, patience is definitely a critical virtue for dog breeders.

-Communication skills: Dog breeders need to be able to communicate effectively with people, both in person as well as online. This is important not only for marketing their dogs but also while dealing with prospective buyers and clients.

-Organizational skills: Maintaining detailed records of all the dogs in their care is very important for breeders. This helps them keep track of the health, vaccinations, mating, birthing, and pedigrees of their dogs. It also comes in handy while planning future mating.

-Business skills: Last but not least, dog breeders also need to have some basic business skills. This includes sales and marketing skills to help them promote their dogs and kennels. They should also be well-versed with the various contracts and agreements involved in stud services and dog shows.

What Are the Working Conditions for A Full-time dog breeder | dog breeding

Full-time dog breeders generally work long hours, often spanning 12 hours or more. This is because they need to take care of all the dogs in their care, which includes feeding, grooming, exercising as well as providing socialization opportunities.

Some full-time dog breeders also offer stud services wherein they allow their male dogs to be used by other breeders for breeding purposes. This is generally done under a contract that lays down the terms and conditions of the service.

Apart from this, dog breeders also need to actively participate in dog shows and events to market their dogs and kennels. They must also have a strong online presence these days to reach out to a wider audience.

What Are the Career Prospects?

The demand for professional dog breeders has been on the rise in recent years as more and more people are opting to buy pedigree dogs. This has resulted in good career prospects for those looking to enter this profession.

With the right skills and experience, full-time dog breeders can find employment with kennels, animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and pet stores. They can also opt to start their own kennels or work as independent contractors.

Dog breeders with a strong online presence can also find good opportunities in social media marketing and online sales. With the right strategies in place, they can build a successful business selling puppies online.

What Are the Salary Prospects for A Full-time dog breeder | dog breeding

The salary prospects for dog breeders vary depending on factors such as experience, location, employer, and type of business. Generally speaking, dog breeders working for reputed kennels or organizations can earn anywhere between £30,000 and £50,000 per year.

Those working as independent contractors or running their own businesses can earn much more depending on the number of puppies they sell and the price at which they sell them. Some of the most successful dog breeders can earn over £100,000 per year.

Bottom Line

Dog breeding is a profession that has tons of potential. Not only is it a great source of livelihood, but it is a job that fulfills the heart and soul. It is a job that requires immense dedication and passion. If you have a love for dogs, then it might be the perfect profession for you.