Heated Puppy Beds

Heated Puppy Beds Heated Puppy Beds for newborn puppies are among one of the best products available for the cutest, most adorable creatures you will ever lay eyes on. But make no mistake, these fluffy little furballs are delicate creatures and their bodies are not developed enough to withstand harsh environments. They may need extra […]

Pregnant Dog

Pregnant Dogs     Pregnant Dog and looking after its healthcare requirements, especially when it’s expecting puppies. Of course, most pet owners might turn to their vets when their dogs are pregnant. However, your vet won’t be available at 3 am in the morning, and suddenly your dog starts to experience pre-pregnancy issues. This is […]

Whelping Puppies at Home

Whelping Puppies Whelping Puppies at home is exciting, although dogs are often more than capable of handling these situations independently, whelping may be difficult for both the people and the animals involved. Therefore, it’s a good idea to be familiar with the procedure, especially if you ever have to supervise a canine delivery. That said, […]

Whelping and Caring for newborn puppies

Whelping and Caring for newborn puppies There are few things as delightful or rewarding as Whelping and Caring for newborn puppies and seeing them grow into adult dogs. However, as adorable and fun as puppies are, caring for them can seem like a daunting task. In fact, caring for a newborn puppy requires as much […]

Toilet training your new puppy

Toilet training your new puppy If you have a new puppy, then you have a furry friend that will fill your home with delight. Your children have the greatest time possible with their new friend. With the fun comes responsibility, which is toilet training your puppy. This is something you need to do as soon […]

Buy a Whelping Box, The Essential Items

Buy a Whelping Box, Our must have whelping items. Whelping Box Buy Whelping Box – We went down the DIY route at the start as we couldn’t find anything online to suit our budget-this was our first mistake it sounds very straight forward making a whelping box from wood etc but by the time we […]

Puppy Pen for your New Puppy

Puppies are a playful element to bring into any household, with their boundless energy and enthusiasm. Getting them settled into any new house is vital for their and your wellbeing, and really accentuating that family household feeling as soon as possible.