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Supplements for dogs

Supplements for dogs

Supplements for dogs

Supplements for dogs are as important as supplements for humans alike. Pet food typically does not provide the required minerals and vitamins your pet needs in their diet. In particular, pet supplements can be crucial in the growing phases of your pet.

However, there are a few important things to consider before you buy supplements for pets, particularly supplements for dogs. They are not too different from the supplements for other pets like cats, and you may find plenty of supplement products that cater to both.

But dog-specific supplements are designed to deliver the particular supplement in the right doses, so do not assume that cat or human supplements can replace them.

Let’s discuss some key considerations for buying supplements for your pet dog, so you do not make such mistakes.

Supplements for dogs Pet Dog’s Needs

Perhaps the first and most important thing to consider when buying pet supplements are the needs of your individual pet. Different dogs require different quantities of various supplements.

The supplement requirements and portions of a Great Dane may be very different from the requirements and portions of a Pomeranian. As an individual pet, your dog may also have unique needs according to their health, daily diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle.

All of these variances make it tough to identify exactly which supplements your pet dog needs, and how much of it they should be consuming. The simplest way to determine your dog’s mineral, vitamin, and overall supplements needs is to observe them.

They will often show telltale signs that indicate their supplement needs. For example, excessive itching, licking, scratching, or rubbing is a telltale sign that something is wrong and missing from their diet.

Other observations include missing or patchy hair, sheen of their fur coat, abnormal appearance, or concerning behaviour. Your best bet is to consult your vet, so they can eliminate any medical issues first.

Veterinary Advice

Another crucial consideration before buying supplements for pets is the advice of your vet. They are professional healthcare experts for pets and can determine exactly which supplements are suited for the mineral, vitamin, dietary, and health needs of your pet dog.

It is unwise to ignore their advice, or to not get an opinion in the first place. If you are still worried about the right supplement for your dog, consider getting a second opinion. You’ll find that in most cases, vets suggest similar supplements because they are the right choice for your pet dog.

Supplements for dogs Type

You shouldn’t blindly pick up any over-the-counter generic supplement for your pets. While they may not cause irreversible harm to your dog, they may also not fulfill your pup’s dietary needs or fix the health issues they are facing due to minerals or vitamins deficiency.

So a key consideration is the type of supplement you buy.

Typically, you can categorize dog supplements into four common types.

  1. Multivitamins
  2. Antioxidants
  3. Probiotics & Prebiotics
  4. Amino acids & Fatty acids

There are also other types of pet supplements like modern CBD supplements for pet dogs. Of course, you should always consult your vet before buying any common or modern pet supplement.

That being said, here are some of the most popular supplements for dogs and how they benefit your canine buddy.

  • Folic Acid: helps boost dog metabolism
  • Glucosamine: helps improve joint functions
  • Probiotics & Prebiotics: help improve nutrient absorption, digestion, and gut health
  • Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids: help improve joint, coat, and skin health
  • Vitamin E: helps improve skin health
  • Vitamin B: helps improve appetite and energy levels
  • Vitamin K: helps improve bone health

These are not the only supplements and there are plenty more that have their own specific benefits for pet dogs.

The Brand of the Pet Supplement

When buying supplements for your pet dog, you want to buy the best to ensure good quality. This means considering the brand of supplement you purchase. While the relatively higher price of a specific supplement can often indicate if it’s from a reliable brand, you should not rely on pricing alone to dictate quality.

Instead, do some brand research. These days, it doesn’t take long to find the mess-ups a brand has made, their track record, or the poor reviews and ratings of their users online. While even a good brand may have a bad review or two, you want to look out for any major red flags.

If an isolated user experienced slow results, or even poor results, it shouldn’t worry you too much. But if a user had a bad experience, or their pet dog had an adverse reaction to the supplement, it’s definitely a red flag.

Most reliable brands keep up with social media groups and user reviews by providing support and explanation for any bad incidents. Consider how the brand responds to such things, but if they have too many red flags, move on to a brand that has fewer or none.

Conclusion on Supplements for dogs

Supplements for dogs can be incredibly beneficial. They can help improve your furry friend’s energy levels, metabolism, appetite, digestive health, skin/fur issues, ageing, health conditions, and even psychological issues like anxiety.

But buying the right supplements for your dog’s needs is the main requirement. You cannot expect the wrong supplement to fix issues, or a “magic multivitamin” to be a cure-all for dogs. Marketing for certain supplements may also make promises they cannot deliver.

This is why it is important to go through the mentioned considerations and consult your vet before buying supplements for your pet dog. Lastly, you must remember that pet supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet.

They are a great dietary addition for your dog, especially to combat any mineral or vitamin deficiencies they may have, but they cannot replace a healthy diet. Always make sure to follow your vet’s recommendations in supplements and quantities for the best results.

If you want to learn more about considerations for pet supplements, or about the best pet supplements, whelping sets, pet beds, heating pads, and other high-quality pet products, please visit our website today.